
Our Mission

To achieve total customer satisfaction through innovation, integrity, and most importantly service. We strive for continued growth with our customers in the ever-changing marketplace as a premier 3rd party service provider.

Scope and Goals

Grow at a consistent and reliable pace with our customers. Control and continued improvement of existing job functions. White Transfer promotes safety and education to existing and new employees through synergy, helping our company stay competitive and a leader in the market.

Advantages of 3PL

  • Allows customers to focus on core business
  • Cost beneficial-overhead, administration, labor
  • Risk absorption-real estate, equipment
  • Specialization-primary focus on projects
  • Increased lead time, decreased down time

Our History

about1The year was 1900.  With a horse drawn carriage and an idea, Art White was in business and White Transfer and Storage Company was born. In the new age of mobile phones and laptop computers, it seems so hard to think White Transfer’s first telephone number was 123. With a will to succeed Art White also opened a branch in Seattle Washington relying mainly on the railroad system to transfer goods back and forth. Art also opened a furniture store on the first floor of the warehouse that sold household furniture and small appliances. Unfortunately, Art was tragically killed in an automobile accident, which forced Frank Croden, a nephew to spring into the family business.

Frank Croden successfully proceeded to steer the company in the right direction. White Transfer became one of Allied Van Lines 50 original agents in 1928. The affiliation would help White Transfer be able to expand their household moving into new markets with the support of Allied and fellow agents. In an attempt to diversify, the Croden family also made and sold clay pottery. The torch was passed yet again to Bob Croden, a son to Frank.

about2Bob was heavily involved with Allied and board members for the van line, which helped to grow the Allied fleet to sixteen drivers. With a full warehouse and the combined use of the rail system, the future looked bright. In 1959, Bob Croden hired a driver that would change the history of White Transfer and Storage. Leo Crimmins was a well-known experienced mover in town and was hired as a driver for Bob. He later moved into the warehouse then into management, and would eventually become owner of the company.

In 1969 Bob Croden sold the company to Leo and Genevieve Crimmins. Mr Croden was ready to retire, with no children, he felt that Leo shared the same vision as a valued employee and decided to help him continue the growth of the company. Leo made a bold statement by beginning construction in 1970 on what is now the corporate headquarters, a 3 building compound with over 130,000 square feet of available space. He also closed the furniture store to focus more on the core business. Along with the original building, White Transfer had several other smaller buildings in Fort Dodge leased out to full capacity. Leo thought that consolidation would allow a better flow of distribution for the company’s needs.

about3After it’s completion in 1972-1973, the original building was sold and greater challenges would lie ahead. The appliance manufacturer that kept the buildings full added an additional storage wing onto their manufacturing facility in order to decrease outside storage. Now with the addition of Leo and Genevieve’s oldest son Dave joining the business another generation began. Leo was awarded a government contract for powdered milk that helped grow the business into the distribution center it is today. This opened other venues of growth, the logistics and hauling of powdered milk, toolboxes, and appliances.

With growth in mind, 2 other sons came aboard to join the growing business. Kevin in 1978, and Denny shortly after finishing college in 1981. Kevin’s main focus was on freight and household moving. Denny was driven on commercial moving and business development. In 1989, White Transfer bought an old paper plant and converted into what is now known as the central warehouse. With success in the local market, the business branched into Webster City Iowa in 1996, which is about 25 miles east of Fort Dodge.  This opened new opportunities in a new market. Growing as business demanded White Transfer acquired its Forest City and Clarion warehouses in 2002 and 2008 respectively. In 2014 Dave Crimmins purchased the Allied Van Lines portion of the business.  It now operates under the name Crimmins Relocation Services and continues to serve Fort Dodge and the surrounding communities.

Leo’s son Denny purchased the company from his family in 2008, two years after his sons Ben and Max graduated  from college and joined the company.  A new era is in the making with endless possibilities for growth and expansion  as the company prepares itself for the next 100 years of excellence. White Transfer is and will always be, “quality driven through customer satisfaction.” Though the times change, the philosophies will not, customers and service are first and foremost.